MMIG is committed to helping SMEs to apply for TVP

Technology Voucher Programme (TVP)

From design and project management to grant applications, we help all industries to expand their business.

What exactly is a TVP

TVP was set up by the ITF to support local non-listed enterprises and organizations to use technology services and solutions to enhance productivity or upgrade and transform their business processes.
Launched in November 2016 on a pilot basis, the scheme was incorporated on February 27, 2019 as the next regular funding scheme of the ITF.

Difficulties encountered by enterprises in general

What programs can I apply for


Local enterprises/organizations applying for technology voucher funding must meet the following requirements

be registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); or be a company incorporated in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or be a statutory body established in Hong Kong under the relevant ordinance; is not a listed company in Hong Kong and is not a subvented organization or a subsidiary of any government subvented organization and have substantive business operations in Hong Kong at the time of application which are relevant to the project under application.

For each eligible enterprise, funding support will be provided on a 3:1 matching basis: 3 (Government): 1 (Enterprise/Organization)

Each enterprise can apply for a maximum of six projects with a funding ceiling of $600,000

Technology consultancy services.

Purchasing, renting or ordering customized equipment or hardware, software and technology services or solutions.

Purchase, hire or order of off-the-shelf equipment or hardware, software and technology services or solutions.

Project Audit (up to $3000)

Projects normally require 12 months to complete before funding can be approved

Copy of Business Registration Certificate, Business Registration Office Form 1(a) or Companies Registry (Form NAR1)

Proof of Substantial Business Operation

Copy of applicant's identity document

Copy of Business Registration Certificate of Technology Consultant

Copy of quotation


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